Devin Dahlberg

Network Analysis


  1. Capturing Traffic with tcpdump
  2. Analyzing Traffic with Wireshark

I began this exercise by logging to the root account of a Kali Linux virtual machine and running the command - man tcpdump - to get familiarized with the tcpdump command options in terminal. Once familiar with the commands I began the exercise by running the command:

I left this command running and opened a new terminal to generate traffic with the OWASP virtual machine by entering the command:

Followed by accessing the OWASPbwa server message block by entering the command:

Once this is completed, I opened the web browser on Kali and typed the target IP address into the search bar to generate traffic this results were:


Next, I launched Wireshark through terminal and opened the testdump.pcap file through the Wireshark application and began to analyze the captured SMB shared traffic. Using the “Follow TCP Stream” feature I was able to follow a conversation from the beginning to the end of a TCP connection such as follows:
